

In 1953 Herbert Tobias was the first German photographer to work for Vogue in Paris. He was expelled from France in the same year however on account protesting during a raid at a gay venue in the French capital. Success and failure were always Herbert Tobias’ twin companions. Having taken his first photographs as a soldier in the German army, after the war he worked as an actor and fell in love. After coming out in 1950, he escaped arrest by going to Paris where he found refuge at Willy Maywald’s studio. His initial success as a photographer was swiftly followed by his expulsion. Moving to Heidelberg, he competed successfully with 18,000 contestants to win a newspaper photography competition run by the Frankfurter Illustrierte. Tobias was on top again; much in demand as a photographer, his work was shown at exhibitions and he was also the subject of articles. This film illuminates the life and work of this artist in all its breadth and diversity.


82 minutes

Release Date




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